Do Unto All Things…
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Note: I don’t necessarily feel that I can truly spoil anything about this book, as it is much more about what each reader gets out of it, than the mere…
Aria and Me
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Every character I have ever written contains a piece of me in them. My main characters, in particular, reflect parts of myself I have or am trying to work through.…
Extinction… Of the Crime Genre
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Note: This review contains mild spoilers. (And a few rants.) Frankly, if I hadn’t gone in with low expectations, I would probably be much harsher on this book rating-wise. I…
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With any story, I believe telling it from the right perspective is key. If I catch myself struggling to develop certain parts of the story, I’ll try to consider how…
(Tentatively) “Aria in Flux”
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The main writing project you’ll be hearing about for the foreseeable future is one I’m tentatively calling “Aria in Flux”. I plan for it to be the first in a…